
How to Contribute

There are a lot of different ways to contribute to a project

Filing issues:

If you would like to file an issue this project uses Github issues for both feature requests and bugs.

Making code changes:

If you want to make changes to the code start with:

git clone dataclass_structor
pipenv install --dev

After you make some changes create a Github pull request. After opening up the pull request CI (continuous integration) will run some tests. In order for your PR to be accepted it will need pass the tests, have the correct types, as well as be formatted “correctly”.

To run the tests:

make test

To check that the types are correct:

make typecheck  # This will run mypy

To format the code run:

make format  # This will run black

Running performance tests:

This package has some performance tests that measure the performance of the structure and unstructure functions. The intention is that these tests can be used to see how proposed changes affect the speed execution.

To run the performance tests::
make perf-tests
To see the results of the performance tests::
pipenv run python -m perf show bench.json

For more perf functions see this doc:

Updating documentation:

If you would like to update documentation:

git clone dataclass_structor
pipenv install --dev
make build-docs

Publishing a version

To publish a new version you need to have access to PyPi and ReadTheDocs. For now Douglas Anderson will publish all releases for simplicity.

  1. Update the __version__ in dataclass_structor/

  2. Update the moving the items in the Unreleased section to a section with the version in bracets, a hyphen then the date (YYYY-MM-DD).

  3. Commit these changes. Use the following template::

    Cutting version X.Y.Z

    User facing changes:—YYYY-MM-DD

  4. One this commit has landed in the master branch, create a git tag: git tag -s vX.Y.Z -m "Version X.Y.Z"

  5. Push the tag: git push --tags

  6. Remove the existing build rm -r dist

  7. Publish the package to PyPi: flit publish

Code of Conduct

This project follows and will enforce, the Contributor Covenant: